Press Releases

In the spirit of aloha and unity, Hawaii’s four mayors have jointly launched November as “Kokua for Maui – Shop & Show Aloha” Month. This collaborative effort, led by the County of Maui in partnership with the State of Hawaiʻi, City and County of Honolulu, County of Hawaiʻi, County of Kauaʻi, and various community partners; aims to ...
Read More Kokua for Maui – Shop & Show Aloha: A Collective Effort to Support Maui

CNHA to operate distribution center, warehouse space provided by OHA KAKA‘AKO, HAWAIʻI – Today, In coordination with Lieutenant Governor Sylvia Luke and the Office of Hawaiian Affairs (OHA), the Council for Native Hawaiian Advancement (CNHA) has opened the Maui Relief Storage Facility, a coordinated donation management center to receive, sort and inventory donations collected for ...

KAHULUI, MAUI —Today, county, state, and federal officials along with community partners announced a coordinated effort to distribute donations for Maui fire victims. The announcement was held at a state-owned warehouse near Kahului International Airport, the site for a new donation storage and sorting center. Lieutenant Governor Sylvia Luke, who has been tasked by Governor Josh Green to ...

LAHAINA — On Wednesday afternoon, Lieutenant Governor Sylvia Luke joined the United States Coast Guard for an aerial damage assessment of the areas affected by the wildfires. The flight also included the deployment of Coast Guard members to Maui and the delivery of essential supplies for the impacted communities.  Lt. Gov. Luke stated the following, “Seeing the devastation of Kihei and Lahaina firsthand was incredibly sobering ...
Read More Lt. Gov. Sylvia Luke Joins Aerial Damage Assessment of West Maui 

HONOLULU, HI – State officials and community stakeholders today are celebrating funding for the Early Childhood Educator Stipend Program, an initiative to boost the state’s Early Childhood workforce. The Executive Office on Early Learning (EOEL) is receiving $660,000 in funding from the State Budget, signed by Governor Green on June 30, 2023.  The stipend program aligns with the state’s commitment ...
Read More A Strong Foundation for Keiki Lies with a Strong Early Childhood Workforce ̶ the State Funds Stipend Program to Support Early Childhood Educators

The new preschool classrooms will be free for three- and four-year-olds, opening this fall   HONOLULU, HI — Under budget and ahead of schedule, 11 new public preschool classrooms are slated to open across the state this August. Lt. Governor Sylvia Luke, who’s leading the Ready Keiki initiative, held the contract signing for the first wave of classrooms at ...
Read More Lt. Governor Luke Announces 11 New Public Pre-K Classrooms Underway 

SB941 simultaneously addresses the teacher shortage, need for affordable housing, and early child care HONOLULU, HI — Today, a bill to develop housing for public school teachers and educators passed its final committee. SB941 authorizes the state’s School Facilities Authority (SFA) to partner with public and private agencies to construct teacher housing with early child ...
Read More Groundbreaking Teacher Housing Bill Passes Final Committee

HB961 will provide increased preschool subsidies for low- to moderate-income families statewide  HONOLULU, HI — A bill to expand access to preschool passed unanimously on Wednesday by House and Senate conferees. HB961 increases early learning opportunities and financial assistance through the Preschool Open Doors (POD) program and the state’s Executive Office on Early Learning (EOEL). The measure is a key component to ...
Read More Monumental Early Learning Bill Expanding Access to Preschool Passes Final Committee

The Food Drive Fest raised canned foods and donations to benefit the Hawaiʻi Foodbank’s State Employees’ Food Drive. HONOLULU, HI – As co-chair of the Annual State Employees’ Food Drive, Lieutenant Governor Sylvia Luke welcomed all state employees and the public to her office for the inaugural Food Drive Fest, which took place on April ...
Read More Lt. Governor Sylvia Luke Hosts First Capitol Food Drive Fest

HONOLULU — Hawaiʻi Lieutenant Governor Sylvia Luke has joined a group of 22 lieutenant governors in the formation of a Reproductive Freedom Coalition. Luke met with lieutenant governors and seconds-in-command during her March visit to the National Lieutenant Governors Association meeting in Washington, D.C. The multi-state coalition representing more than 165 million people plans to ...
Read More Lt. Governor Sylvia Luke Joins Multi-State Reproductive Freedom Coalition